A public funeral, international tribunal, and justice denied for Lebanon
Posted By NC On Thursday, 9 June 2016A public funeral, international tribunal, and justice denied for Lebanon
A public funeral, international tribunal, and justice denied for Lebanon
في مراجعة المجلس الدستوري من خلال المحاكم
شبلي ملاّط
قضايا، 12 أيار 2016
Perestroïka saoudienne
Chibli Mallat*
10 May 2016
Mallat on Geneva Conference, Ittihad TV interview, 26 January 2016
mallat.com is pleased to announce the publication of a groundbreaking book on nonviolence at Oxford University Press
Civil Resistance in the Arab Spring
Triumphs and Disasters
Edited by Adam Roberts, Michael J. Willis, Rory McCarthy
The book includes nine country-based chapters by outstanding scholars, and an important conclusion by Adam Roberts.
Chibli Mallat : Je rêve d'être un imbécile heureux
L’avocat international et professeur de droit s’est prêté au questionnaire de la Seize.
Ahmed Chalabi was right that Saddam Hussein had to be removed
Chibli Mallat
The Guardian, 10 November 2015
The late deputy prime minister provoked many passions, and I disagreed with him over the invasion, but Iraq’s dictatorship had to end.