La nécessité du dialogue euro méditerranéen et les enjeux internationaux, Chibli Mallat, December 2004

There are two priorities to implement in Iraq
Deploy human rights monitors and institute transparency, Chibli Mallat, Daily Star, 21 May 2004

Governing Wisely
Has Iraq's interim government got a chance? A Reason interview with veteran activist Chibli Mallat
, Reason, 8 June 2004

How will world Court decision affect realities on the ground?, Chibli Mallat, Daily Star, 10 July 2004

A last-minute plea to Bashar Assad, Chibli Mallat, Daily Star, 3 Sep 2004

La nausée and al-Nakba: rewriting 1948, Chibli Mallat, 4 Sep 2004

Bush II and democracy in the Mideast: anger and hope, Chibli Mallat, Daily Star, 8 Nov 2004

The Annan report and the extention of the presidential mandate, Chibli Mallat, Daily Star, 5 Oct 2004

Defending Democracy, Chibli Mallat, Nahar, 2 Sep 2004

On Abu Ghreib, Nicolas Blanford, Christian Science Monitor, 12-13- May 2004

Commentary from Australia, Chibli Mallat, 16 April 2004

The Spring 2004 crisis
In late March and through April 2004, a dual crisis erupted in Najaf, were the followers of the young cleric Muqtada Sadr, retrenched, and in Falluja, where Sunni Islamic radicals took over the city.
Some op-ed contributions in the past year should help assess the crisis.
The following section focuses on Muqtada Sadr and the price of delaying justice.
On Paul Wolfowitz, Chibli Mallat, Nahar, 17 June 2004
What to do in Iraq, 8 June 2004
To Hoshyar Zebari, on UN SCR, Chibli Mallat, (Arabic version), Nahar, 5 June 2004
La résignation d'Adnan Pachachi, 2 June 2004
Again deploy human rights monitors, Chibli Mallat, Daily Star, 21 May 2004
Again send human rights monitors to Iraq, Chibli Mallat, Nahar, 13 May 2004

On Abu Ghreib, Nicolas Blanford, Christian Science Monitor, 12-13- May 2004
Commentary from Australia, Chibli Mallat, 16 April 2004
Interview on the Najaf crisis, Chibli Mallat, L'Orient Le Jour, 14 April 2004
On Abdel Majid al-Khu'is assassination, Chibli Mallat, Daily Star, 15 Aug 2003
On Khu'is assassination, Chibli Mallat, Nahar, 23 April 2003

مجدداً نشر مراقبين لحقوق الإنسان في العراق, Chibli Mallat, Nahar, 13 May 2004

"إقرار الجدار": المدى التنفيذي, Chibli Mallat, Nahar, 13 July 2004

حلقة إلمانية-لبنانية حول أوروبا والشرق الأوسط الأولوية هنا للتحديث السياسي والإجتماعي والثقافي, Safir, 4 Nov 2004